Presentations [ • Large-scale Computing Infrastrcutures for Intelligence. Invited Talk, July 2023, Beihang University Summer School • Intelligent GPU Cluster Scheduling with Job Interleaving and Elastic Autoscaling. Invited Talk, June 2023, Kuaishou Inc. • Large-scale Resource Scheduling - Academic and Industrial Experience. Invited Talk, June 2022, Beihang University Forum • Cluster Resource Scheduling - Academic and Industrial Experience. Invited Talk, 13th Feb., 2019, Newcastle University upon Tyne, Newcastle, UK • Resource Scheduling - Dependability and Machine Learning Perspective. Invited Talk, 10th Oct., 2018, Industrial Theme, Cambridge, UK • Kubernetes Scheduler R&D - Early Experience and Lessons Learnt from Practice. School Seminar, 10th Sep., 2018, SoC, Leeds, UK • ROSE: Cluster Resource Scheduling via Speculative Oversubscription. IEEE ICDCS 2018, 2nd July, 2018, Vienna, Austria • Intelligent Straggler Mitigation for Datacentre Clusters. Invited Talk, 7th May, 2018, Alibaba Group, Beijing, China • Computing at Scale: Data-driven Approaches. Invited Talk, 1st December, 2017, Edgetic, UK • Big Data and High Performance Computing for Business Analytics. Seminar, May, 2017, KPMG China, Beijing, China • Resource Management for AI and IoV systems. Invited Talk, 1st February, 2017, Baidu, Beijing, China • Computing at Scale: System Evolution Perspective. Invited Talk, 11th December, 2016, ChinaCloud and NUDT, Changsha, China • Modern Fault-Tolerant Resource Management. Invited Talk, 9th December, 2016, Amazon, Beijing, China • Distributed Scheduler Scalability and Parallelism. Tutorials, 17th Semptember,2015, Alibaba Group, Beijing, China • Modern Resource Management Technique and Overview. Tutorials, 20th October,2015, Alibaba Group, Beijing, China • Improving Utilization through Dynamic VM Resource Allocation in Hybrid Cloud Environment. IEEE ICPADS 2014, 17th December, 2014, Hsinchu, Taiwan • Introduction to R and Big Data Analysis for System Profiling. Technical Seminar, 30th October, 2014, Alibaba Cloud Computing Inc., Beijing, China • Cluster Tracelog Analysis and Implications. Invited Talk, August, 2014, MSRA, Beijing, China • Computing at Scale: System Architectural Evolution and Introduction to Fuxi. Invited Talk, 19th August, 2014, Department of Computing, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China • Architectural Evolution and Challenges of Resource Management System at Scale and Its Scheduler Simulator. iVCE All-Hands Meeting(iVCE-AHM), 6th August, 2014, Taobao City, Hangzhou, China • Architectural Evolution for Data Processing and Resource Management at Scale. CCF-Forum (Internet Software: Opportunities and Challenges), 6th June, 2014, NUDT, Changsha, China • Survey and Case Study: Cluster Tracelog Analysis and Approaches. Technical Seminar, 20th April, 2014, Alibaba Cloud Computing Inc., Beijing, China • An Analysis of Performance Interference Effects on Energy-Efficiency of Virtualized Cloud Environments. IEEE CloudCom 2013, 2nd December,2013, Bristol, UK • CloudAP: Improving the QoS of Mobile Applications with Efficient VM Migration. IEEE HPCC 2013, 15th November,2013,Zhangjiajie,China • An Analysis of Performance Interference Effects on Energy-Efficiency and VM placement in Virtualized Cloud Environments. iVCE All-Hands Meeting(iVCE-AHM), 16th October,2013,Changsha,China
Updated by Aug. 2023 |